About The Project
Each person was to present a 60-second pitch about an idea to bring to life. After voting, teams were formed, and I was chosen to be a part of Hannah O'Steen's project about a mobile application called Pill Planter — daily medication reminder. 
The goal of the project was to design and develop a product that can be brought to the market, estimate financial costs, and create the product. The end result would involve presenting the idea to judges during an Entrepreneurial Start-Up weekend.

During The Weekend
Each person was assigned different tasks to handle during the weekend to ensure all the work was completed as best as possible and to allow time for practicing the presentation or fixing any minor tweaks. Tasks that needed to be completed included: brainstorming, gathering data from the public, research, calculating rough finance estimates, creating prototypes and illustrations, designing a presentation, and anything else as needed. 
Fortunately, Hannah had already completed parts of the project prior to the start-up weekend as another class that was taken a previous semester involved creating an interactive and somewhat functioning app. A lot of work for other aspects of the project still needed to be completed, and the work was able to be balanced out in a way where everyone had enough to do but no one was tackling too much. 
A blog was also created during the weekend to show the entire process of the project from start to finish and goes into detail about everyone's jobs they worked on/completed. 
Lexi Macht, Hannah O'Steen, Delanie Dugan, and Dwight Whitlock
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